On the occasion of the current presidential elections in Brazil, the Regionalism Observatory presents a special publication, the “Foreign Policy and Regionalism Dossier: the Government Plans of Brazilian Presidential Candidates in the 2022 Elections”, an exclusive edition that aims to analyze how foreign policy and regionalism are included in the programs of the main candidacies.
Through this collective initiative, the Regionalism Observatory aims to instigate reflection on foreign policy and regionalism issues and thus to contribute to the debate of such ideas, which is even more necessary in electoral periods. The Dossier, therefore, results in the publication of an informative content, interesting to professors, students, researchers, and professionals in international relations, as well as to the general public who seek to inform themselves about the topic.
The production is the result of the collaboration of several researchers, members of the Regionalism Observatory, who have contributed as organizers, authors, reviewers, and graphics editor. The group also relied on the support of its host institution, the Graduate Program in International Relations San Tiago Dantas (UNESP – UNICAMP – PUC-SP) and the Research Network on Foreign Policy and Regionalism (REPRI).
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Scientific Coordination: Karina Lilia Pasquariello Mariano, Cairo Gabriel Borges Junqueira, Bárbara Carvalho Neves, Heithor Erthal, Luan Olliveira Pessoa.
Coordination: Cairo Gabriel Borges Junqueira and Regiane Nitsch Bressan.
Revision: Bárbara Carvalho Neves, Davi Antonino Guimarães, Flávia Loss de Araújo, Heitor Erthal, João Victor Motta, Luan Olliveira Pessoa, Maurício Luiz Borges Ramos Dias, Paulo Cesar dos Santos Martins, Thiago Vicinio Fernandes
Design: Bárbara Carvalho Neves, Heithor Erthal, Luan Olliveira Pessoa.
ISSN 2675-6390.
Introduction – Foreign Policy and Regionalism: the governments plans of Brazilian presidential candidates in the 2022 elections – Cairo Junqueira, p.5-9.
Luis Inácio Lula da Silva – Davi Antonino Guimarães e Maurício Luiz Borges Ramos Dias, p. 10-19.
Jair Bolsonaro – Heitor Erthal e Luan Olliveira Pessoa, p. 20-28.
Ciro Gomes – Flavia Loss de Araújo e João Victor da Motta Batista – p. 29-35.
Simone Tebet – Paulo Cesar dos Santos Martins, p.36-43
Other Candidates – Bárbara Carvalho Neves e Thiago Fernandes Vicino – p.44-52
Summary Table – Regionalism Observatory – p.53