Nesse ODR Entrevista convidamos o Professor Dr. Gustavo Müller para discutir sobre a atual política externa da União Europeia, seus desafios e principais oportunidades. Diante de um mundo em mudanças, o Prof. Gustavo reflete sobre as expectativas e capacidades de atuação da União Europeia no mundo, principalmente no âmbito da América Latina e do Caribe.
Não deixem de conferir essa reflexão!
Essa entrevista foi realizada com o apoio financeiro do Módulo Jean Monnet (). Para saber mais sobre as atividades relacionadas com o módulo, acesse nosso site [https://observatorio.repri.org/modulo-jean-monnet-unesp/].
Sobre o Prof. Dr. Gustavo Gayger Müller
[In 2011, he was awarded the European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Fellowship via the GEM PhD School – Globalization, Europe and Multilateralism. From 2011 to 2015, he was a PhD fellow in international politics at the Institut d’Etudes européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) and at the University of Warwick (United Kingdom). Gustavo also holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and a master’s degree in political science and security policies from the Institut d’Etudes politiques d’Aix-en-Provence (France).
His current research interests include comparative regionalism and interregional relations, EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy, Europe-Latin America relations, and legitimacy and legitimation of regional security governance and its organizations. At KU Leuven, Gustavo Müller teaches the courses ‘Regional Interactions in Europe and Beyond’ and ‘Transnational and Global Perspectives on Europe: Ideas, Theories and Methodologies’ for the Master of European Studies as well as ‘International Relations and European Integration since World War 2’ for the PECS programme on European Culture and Society. He has also been a guest lecture at Kobe University in Japan and the Vesalius College in Brussels.]
Para saber mais acesse [https://ghum.kuleuven.be/ggs/people/00108700].